Supreme 90 Back and Bi

This is the fifth workout review from the Supreme 90 Day program.  See the common warm up and cool down that workouts share.

Work out: Back and Bi’s

Length: 46:24

Equipment: Dumbbells, Ball


4 super sets (1 core followed by 3 back and bi).  Each super set is 3 exercises repeated 3 times


I learned something today.  In Supreme 90 speak Circuit is the term for Super set.  Following the pattern of not having a pattern this video has a demonstration cut scene before each set.  The pacing is nice and easy to keep up with if even if you are doing a real amount of weight.  I’m no super man, but the guy demo models are sometimes doing curls with what looks like 15 pound weights.  Aside from the core circuit the each set has two types of rows followed by a curl.  Ample variation and no repeats.  The way the ball is worked into the workout is usually by doing an exercise normally done reclined on a bench except putting your shoulders on the ball and doing the exercise from a bridge.  Very easy to imitate.  The trainer guy is starting to bug me by making lots of timing mistakes.  Almost every video he’ll make a mistake like saying it’s the last time through on the 2nd of 3 repetitions of the circuit or saying it’s the last circuit when there’s another circuit left.  Since there’s no progress bar like P90X if you were focusing on the workout you don’t know if he’s right or not.  This bothers me so much because it’s his one job and he doesn’t do it right.  Also this isn’t a live show, you get to do multiple takes to get it right.  Still the workout was good.

Score (out of 10): 7

Compared to P90X:

There is a back and bi’s P90X and it’s a killer.  Instead of one third curl exercises it’s more like one half curl exercises so your biceps swell to big numb basketballs by the end.  Also P90X B&B utilizes pull ups and rows instead of just rows.  This is extra killer because you can’t fake a pull up.  With a row you can do bad form and make it more of an arm and less of a back work out or cheat yourself and not do enough weight.  Not possible with a pull up.  But if you aren’t a pull up machine (too heavy, too woman) S90 is better.  I feel like I got more lower back work out with S90 than P90X on this one.  Overall P90X wins out for the variety and pull ups, but S90 is good when you have less time available.

Come back soon for the remaining 3 workout reviews.

-Steven Gangstead

Supreme 90 Tabata Inferno

This is the fifth workout review from the Supreme 90 Day program.  See the warm up and cool down that are common to all S90 workouts.

Work out: Tabata Inferno

Length: 37:47

Equipment: Dumbbells


6 Tabata sets ( A set is 20 seconds all out, 10 seconds rest X8, 1 minute between sets)


Welcome to the inferno that is tabata!

I sometimes liked this, sometimes didn’t.  It builds up a good sweat and I like the resistancy cardio-y aspect of it.  Two of the sets are just 2 exercises repeated 4 times (ABABABAB) and that gets really boring.  Those mundane sets make it hard to keep up the intensity.  The other 4 sets are 4 exercises repeated twice (ABCDABCD) and are much more engaging.  Minus one point for variety of exercises.  Many sets have repeats from earlier sets and by the last set all 4 exercises are repeats.  Also minus one point for organization.  All Supreme 90 workouts have the same warm up and cool down videos on the disc, but the TI workout goes ahead and begins with a warm up that’s almost identical to the one included on the same disc.  I thought maybe this was just a problem with editing and the warm up track wasn’t supposed to be on the disc, but at the end Phony Horton references the separate cool down track so I don’t know what they were thinking.

Score (out of 10): 6

Compared to P90X:

It’s got some leaping exercises, kind of like Plyometrics, but there are also pushups and some weight exercises, but it’s a cardio workout.  There isn’t a direct comparison.  Not enough jumping to fully compare to Plyo but that’s probably the closest.  Too much cardio to compare to compare to one of the resistance P90X workouts.


Come back soon for the next workout review!

-Steven Gangstead

Supreme 90 Chest Shoulders Tris

This is the fourth workout review from the Supreme 90 Day program.  All S90 work outs use a common warm up and cool down.

Work out: Chest Shoulders Tri

Length: 34:53

Equipment: Dumbbells, Ball


First set targets core muscles (2 exercises, repeat 2 times).  Then

3 super sets (3 exercises, repeat 3 times).


After the intro core set (which I think all workouts may have) it is 3 super sets.  The pace one notch below Frantic.  I call it “I think I may miss the train” (you know, where you are too embarrassed to run all out, so you do an awkward shuffle run while you hold your backpack still).  The demonstrators aren’t racing and they don’t transition between sets in the superset like triathletes so you can mostly keep up with them.  This was a great improvement over previous work outs reviewed so far.  I found if I did 8 reps while they were doing 12 I would be done with time to change my adjustable weights for the next exercise.

The sets were pretty good and the use of ball made it more interesting.  The shoulders and tris get a little more workout than the chest.  At one point the rashness of the production shows itself when all three of the demonstrators finish the second repeat of the super set, put their dumbbells away and look at the host.  They all share an awkward moment before he realizes there’s still a repeat left and tries to spin it like it was just them who forgot and not everyone in the studio except the one producer frantically waving his clip board off stage.  That guy still has hopes of advancing his career past infomercials.

Score (out of 10): 7

Compared to P90X:

Chest Shoulders Tri on P90X is ten times the workout this is, but sometimes you don’t feel like killing yourself.  Also the use of the ball adds some levity and I enjoy it.


I will try to keep the pace of the reviews at about two per week.  There are 6 more workouts to review.

-Steven Gangstead

Supreme 90 Total Body

This is a continuation of my serial reviews of the Supreme 90 Day program.  All S90 work outs use a common warm up and cool down.

Work out: Total Body

Length: 23:18

Equipment: Dumbbells


4 super sets of 2/3 exercises, repeated 2 or 3 times in succession with a brief demonstration before the set begins.


Get fit in 90 days flying through workouts with me!

The fitness model Mark is Zack Morris on steroids.  His dad might be Laser from American Gladiators.  This work out had some of the same problem as Chest & Back where everyone is racing through at different speeds except one guy who is going normal pace and the 3 other people are waiting on him to finish Mark/Zack Morris is the winner of the “race”.  The demo before the super sets gives you at least a chance to catch up before the next one starts.  The model Mark is the most annoying.  He is the buffest looking guy out there and he’s doing clean & jerks with 15lb dumbbells so that he can rocket through.  If I had to summarize the workout it would be Cleans & Pushups.  There is the beginning core set with some crunches and plank core work, but each other super set has a variation of a clean (clean, clean and jerks,  clean jerk and press), a squat and a pushup and one plyometric move (plyo pushup, squat jumps, broad jump).  It was a pretty good workout.  Total body mostly ends up being back, shoulders and thigh which is an important set.  The plyometric was there just to make you a little more tired.  Overall I thought this was a good morning workout.  It lasted just long enough to break a sweat, but not so much that I’m going to sweat profusely for the rest of the day. The main reason I took points off was the pacing being so fast.

Score (out of 10): 5

Compared to P90X:

Similar to Legs & Back (except with cleans to work out your back instead of pull ups) and there was a little bit of the old Plyometrics.  S90 Total Body didn’t have enough plyo to replace the P90X Plyometrics.  If you hate pull ups and like cleans then S90 is the way to go.  I eat pull ups for breakfast so I give the nod to P90X.  I also like my plyo an hour long and separate.


The reviews continue.
